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Trafera - "Taking on a Hybrid Future" - 8.24


Title: "Taking on a Hybrid Future: Solutions for Flexible Learning Environments" feat. AVer and Newline

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 24 at 2:00pm CST

Description: The new school year is here, and here we are with high levels of uncertainty when it comes to where classes will be taking place. Hybrid learning environments present unique challenges. From promoting engagement across a distance to feeling connected on a human level we need solutions for making this new way of learning as powerful as in-person instruction.

Who is presenting:

  • Josh Ratliff | Director of Education Initiatives at Trafera
  • Eric Wells | Director of Southwest Regional Services at Trafera and Former COO at Muskogee Public Schools
  • Tim Garber | Newline
  • Carl Harvell | AVer

Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pd-Cvpz0rE9UNgfFp45IdSUKckRHkzrVF


*One other thing to note is that we will be giving out Starbucks gift cards for a cup of coffee to all webinar attendees!


Posted: August 19, 2021, 10:36 AM