CDW-G Cybersecurity Practice "Protect What Matters Most"

CDW-G- Cybersecurity Practice "Protect What Matters Most"

12.1.2020,10:00 am to 11:00 am


CDWG is a Trusted Security Partner with over 34 years of customer experience and over 150 dedicated Security coworkers. Though CDWG’s Security Practice area’s of Network Security, Information Security, Security Services, and Security Advisory, CDWG assist customers to Prepare, Defend and Respond to “Protect What Matters Most”.

Target Audience

CIO, CISO, IT Directors, Security Mangers, Network Managers, End Point/Client Managers, Data Protection Managers


o Gabriel Whalen, Principal Solution Architect, CDWG Information Security
o Aundre Dudley, Principal Solution Architect, CDWG Network Security
o Nathan Urbaniak, Solution Architect, CDWG Security Solutions
o Erica Kordes, Account Executive, CDWG Education


Posted: November 30, 2020, 5:32 PM