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Skyline Technology -A Vision of Post-Pandemic Priorities 4.8

Skyline Technology Solutions-A Vision of Post-Pandemic Priorities

4.8.2021, 9:00 am to 10:00 am


Covid-19 changed much of what we knew about effectively teaching large numbers of students in remote learning environments. Planning and implementing the technology and logistics required to provide students secure, uninterrupted access to educational resource, including live face to face teacher-led instruction, quickly moved to the top of the list of priorities for most school systems during the pandemic. Some outcomes were expected others totally unexpected. During this webinar, CIOs from three Maryland School Systems will discuss how they navigated through the challenges of the pandemic, lessons learned and how the response to these challenges will likely change the way school systems in the State of Maryland operate moving forward.

Target Audience

Board Members, C-Suite, Superintendents, Directors, CIOs, Technology Professionals, SROs


Gary Davis – CIO, Carroll County Public Schools
Drew Moore – CIO, Harford County Public Schools
Wesley Watts - CIO, Prince George’s County Public Schools (Retired)


Posted: March 30, 2021, 4:46 PM